12 February 2014

A Hump Day Love List

While the title of this post may give off a creepster vibe, I promise you I'm just here to spread a little love. After all, it IS almost Valentine's Day, my most favorite day of the year!

1) This color, Woodlawn Blue, is a new contender in our kitchen-bathroom revamp. Imagine beautiful blue walls with white trim and dark wood cabinets. Pretty, right?

2) Hello to my new best friend! Gimme Brow was recommended to me a few weeks ago by an employee at Ulta. I LOVE IT! It's true that fresh brows can make a face look so much more put together.

3) I'm up to my eyeballs in student loan debt, but I've thoroughly enjoyed window-shopping the Kate Spade Surprise Sale. This wallet is perfect, don't you think?

4) Trevor and I were gifted a Roku for Christmas. Hands down, the coolest piece of technology we own! I love having Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, Redbox, etc. at our fingertips! It may make us lazier, but date night is significantly more cuddlier when you don't have to get out from under a blanket to change DVDs.

5) This pretty shade is part of Essie's Resort collection, and you better believe it's on my wish list for the spring!

6) Doesn't that photo make your mouth water?!? It's not my recipe for a strawberry cream heart, but that doesn't mean it won't be on our table for a dessert come Valentine's Day! {You can find the recipe here!}

What have you been loving lately?


  1. I nominated you for a Liebster Award! Check out my blog for the questions and enjoy linking up!

    Happy Wednesday!

  2. We got a Roku as a wedding gift...and it is seriously my favorite thing in the world! I hated having to hook my laptop up to the tv to watch stuff...and this makes it so easy having it all in one place!

  3. Thanks, Katie! You're too sweet :) I'm heading over to check it out!

  4. I had no idea something like that existed but once we hooked it up to our TV it was like angels were singing! I'm almost ashamed to admit we've used it every single day since we got it. Do you have any good Netflix shows to recommend? We're always looking for a new show to get sucked into.

  5. That heart looks delicious and really easy!

  6. Doesn't it, though? I'm definitely making it for this weekend! I'm all about easy AND pretty ;)


I love all of your comments :) I read every single one! Leave me some lovin'!