20 May 2013

Project: Do You #11

Please note that this is a link up that focuses on individual self discovery goals. The goals you see below were set by me and for me only. If you choose to link up with us, please create your own goals to work toward and to update us on. If you are unfamiliar with Project: Do You, check out this post that introduces the project before proceeding.

#2 - Work out on a regular basis. The YMCA membership has been great but so far we've only used it for cardio. I'd love to start using some of their weight machines and getting back into swimming. I mentioned two weeks ago that I had signed up for classes but life hasn't allowed me to get to any of the classes I signed up for yet! This Wednesday it will happen, I swear.

#3 - Run a 5K. My mom and I walked a 5K about a week ago. It was cold and wet and cold. Did I mention it was cold? Even though the weather sucked, we had a great time and finished strong. I walked in honor of my Oma who was still fighting leukemia at that point. It was my first organized race/walk and I had a great time. I can't wait for The Color Run coming up in August!

#9 - Travel more. My mom and I are getting geared up for our trip to Chicago! Thanks to my good blog friend, Steph, we have lists of places to eat, drink, and shop while we're there. It's going to be a quick 3-day, 2-night trip but I am so looking forward to it! Pictures and stories to come, I promise.

#15 - See a Broadway show. This is happening while we're in Chicago. Book of Mormon, here we come! I've heard great things - plus, we have phenomenal seats, so I can't wait!

And that's all - it's been a low key couple of weeks. Last week was spent studying for finals {Turns out I got an A in biochemistry, so take note, College of Nursing!} and mourning the death of my Oma. It was more about time spent with family than working on my goals list. I hope to have more crossed off next time I update in two weeks!

How are your personal goals coming along?


  1. You are going to have such a great time in Chicago!!

  2. I've heard such good things about the book of mormon! You'll have to tell us all about it!

  3. Even walking a 5k is better than nothing! :)


I love all of your comments :) I read every single one! Leave me some lovin'!