10 June 2013

Home Tour: The Kitchen

Trevor and I are renters who found ourselves moving into a horribly outdated eat-in kitchen. I tried and tried as hard as I could {well, without removing wallpaper because let's face it: we are not about to do our landlord's grunt work!} to brighten up the space and to leave the 80s in the past...

So, we brought in a solid wood table that fits two chairs but can pop open to fit at least six around it. Then, I bought brightly colored placemats, set out some plates, and added a bit of fruit.

The color of these lemons really does bring a touch of summer inside!

Considering our countertops look tannish, {but photograph a bright yellow color - it's so perplexing!}, I knew I had to brighten them up a bit. This monogrammed plate does the trick!

Our eat-in kitchen is the entry point to our back patio via a sliding glass door. It's the perfect spot to keep plants during the cold winter and makes it pretty easy to transfer them outside when it warms up. This hibiscus tree blooms all year long!

I'm trying not to complain about our horrid kitchen too much because there isn't a whole lot else I can do to it to bring it up to 2013 standards. It's pretty much a lost cause, actually! Now, if the landlord would paint the cabinets white, buy a new countertop, and take down the outdated wallpaper, he'd have a pretty darn nice looking kitchen to rent out! Seeing as how that's not going to happen as long as we live here, we're focusing instead on the positives - the little things I've brought in to add a little extra cheer to the room.

What do you think? How do you deal with a horribly ugly kitchen?

Linking up with Designer in Teal


  1. Have you considered asking your landlord if you do the work if he will pay for the supplies? See if you can work something out. I know my husband would be willing to do that with his tenants if they asked. When I lived in an apartment with an ugly kitchen I did what you did, added bright colors! I now have a lime green foldable table from my first apartment that I need to figure out what to do with. ;)

  2. I loved our first apartment's kitchen, well mainly the white brick backsplash, everything else could have went. :)

  3. Definitely try and add some bright colors, see if that will drown out the ugly.

  4. well we have a super outdated kitchen that we own and still haven't done anything really (besides replace the fridge). at least we have white cabinets though. will your landlord let you guys paint the cabinets if he pays for the paint? might be worth looking into. i'm also thinking about replacing our knobs until we can do a bigger reno. good luck!
    -- jackie @ jade and oak


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