12 June 2013

Wedding Wednesday #2

Every Wednesday this month, I am recapping our wedding as part of our two year anniversary celebration. Last week, I showed you photos from our ceremony and told you about our unity tree. You can catch up on that here if you missed it or need a little refresher.

Today's all about the reception so prepare to be overloaded with pictures!

Our reception was held at my parent's home in a country subdivison. We rented a huge white tent, brought in chairs, decorated with lots and lots of flowers and a few DIY elements {like the ribbon hoops}, and everyone had an amazing time.

We received many complements on the decor and the feeling of our reception. Being that our ceremony was at 11:30am and our lunch was served a little before 1pm, we had a happy crowd.

The meal was catered in by a local Italian bistro. Our guests loved our food. They made pasta dishes, chicken dishes, and the most delicious salads. Our food was by far one of the hardest decisions we made while wedding planning because I didn't want a "traditional" meat and potatoes meal. We made the right choice and I would choose them again, a million times over.

People ate...

There were toasts...

And more toasts...

And we all had a great time.
Isn't my grandpa just the cutest?

Then we all dug into this beautiful cake with handpainted peonies - ugh, so good.

And danced the afternoon away!

But we knew people would need a break from dancing every once in awhile so we had lawn games set up for everyone to play. Who doesn't love a little bocce or croquet on a Saturday afternoon in June?

Come back next Tuesday for an anniversary recap and pictures of our attire!

Also coming in the weeks ahead: a post highlighting our decor and a post discussing my regrets and other wedding dos/don'ts.

Please leave any wedding related questions in the comments below and I will happily reply to you via email. You don't have to limit your questions to be about our wedding - I love helping brides no matter the size, feel, or location of their weddings!

All photos courtesy of Laurie Marie Photography.


  1. Everything is so pretty! That cake is gorgeous.

  2. I feel slightly bad about the extent to which I will be taking advantage of your knowledge :)

  3. your decorations look like something out of a magazine!

  4. Wow this is absolutely stunning!!! :)

  5. Beautiful! We wanted to play croquet and Bocce at our wedding as well, but it rained and so those plans were scrapped and instead we all sat inside in the tent crowded around the heater :)

  6. Wow girl! I am way behind in reading your blog and I just saw this amazing post! Your wedding was stunning....the cake is beyond gorgeous . I can't wait to see more. You were a beautiful bride. So cool that you had an early ceremony...the pictures are so bright!


I love all of your comments :) I read every single one! Leave me some lovin'!