17 June 2013

Project: Do You #13

Please note that this is a link up that focuses on individual self discovery goals. The goals you see below were set by me and for me only. If you choose to link up with us, please create your own goals to work toward and to update us on. If you are unfamiliar with Project: Do You, check out this post that introduces the project before proceeding.

#1 - Read one book per month. I read another book in the past couple of weeks: Rose in a Storm by Jon Katz. It was decent, but not realistic which bothered me the whole book, but I powered through! Two more books read in June? I'll take it! 

#2 - Work out on a regular basis. Not much to say except this is still happening, so that's good!

#13 - Share our wedding on the blog. We're in the middle of our anniversary month and you've read two posts about our wedding. Tomorrow {our actual anniversary} is another one about our attire, Wednesday's another post, and next Wednesday is the final recap. I'm enjoying sharing photos with you and I hope you're liking them as well!

This week's P:DY recap is pretty short and sweet, but that's fine with me. I'm staying on the straight and narrow with my eyes on the prize, as they say, so I can't ask for more in terms of goal accomplishment. Hopefully there will be more checked off the list in the coming weeks!

How are your goals coming along?


  1. I'm trying to decide how I want to set up my goals. I need some sort of deadline, but some are way too lofty to finish by the end of the year or even in 1001 days. Hmmm...

  2. yay! Good for you. I love your wedding posts by the way - I don't know what it is, but reading about people's weddings is always so much fun.


I love all of your comments :) I read every single one! Leave me some lovin'!