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True Confessions

If you recall, I decided to start blogging as a way to remember life as newlyweds. Life is just the two of us - no pets, no kids, nothing to tie us to 'home'. I wanted to remember the fun things we did together and the way it felt being young and married.

So Trevor and I were talking today and this idea came to mind - there are so many moments I would still love to capture here at You.And.Me.Are.We and this is how I'm going to start!

Welcome to the first edition of True Confessions of a Blogger's Husband!

I'll be posting little snippets of conversations we have in order to fully capture our newlywed life. This means you won't see the polished side of us all of the time - like the moment I want to share with you today.

I'm hoping this will be a fun and easy way to document little happenings and some hilarious thoughts that come out of Trevor's mouth :)

You are more than welcome to join me in this endeavor. If there's interest, I can provide code for the button above and we can all link up. {If you're interested, let me know in the comments so I can make some magic happen!} However, for today, I don't mind sharing alone.

Last night, Trevor and I were discussing pros and cons to peeing in the shower - saving water vs. having pee on your feet - and confessed that he'd pee in the shower without a second thought if he was the one scrubbing the tub.

In fact he said something along the lines of, "I'd totally pee in the shower if I knew I'd be the one cleaning it! But whenever I think about doing it, I tend to think of how you'd be the one scrubbing the tub clean afterwards and then I think twice!"

I'm so glad he thinks of me before he pees ;)


I love all of your comments :) I read every single one! Leave me some lovin'!


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