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Saturday Inspiration

In honor of today's events...

Source: via Sara on Pinterest

My husband GRADUATES today!!

I am so proud of him and all of the work he has put into this degree. Every time I catch a glimpse of the work he does I am immediately impressed by his brains and how freaking smart he is!

The sheer amount of time he has spent at school this semester is impressive. There have been many, MANY days he has left for school by 7 or 8 in the morning and returned home after 9 at night. We have both agreed to put our lives on hold for this degree and a {hopefully} well paying job. Time is ticking down and so is our bank account. We are more than ready for an adult full time job to come his way!

He still has classes for a couple more weeks but today's graduation is a milestone, that's for sure.

Happy Graduation Day, babe! I love you, love you, love you and I am so proud to call you mine!

So, what are you up to this weekend?

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I love all of your comments :) I read every single one! Leave me some lovin'!


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