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Project: Do You #15

Please note that this is a link up that focuses on individual self discovery goals. The goals you see below were set by me and for me only. If you choose to link up with us, please create your own goals to work toward and to update us on. If you are unfamiliar with Project: Do You, check out this post that introduces the project before proceeding.

I'm now officially halfway done with my Project: Do You list! A few goals that are left will be crossed off in the near future, and I have some ideas on how to complete a couple more. It feels so good to know I'm accomplishing things!

#2 - Work out on a regular basis. I've been cleared for regular activity for about a week now and I still haven't made it to the YMCA again. It's hard getting back in a workout groove! I haven't been completely lazy, though, because I've been riding my bike around as much as I can as a car replacement just because it's been nice out. The Color Run is coming up in 4 weeks so I NEED to get my butt in gear and start running more outside!

#5 - Plan a date night ahead of time for each month. I originally created this goal because I figured we'd need motivation to put our marriage first and to spend quality time together at least once a month. Turns out that we're really good about taking time for each other and we don't need to plan things ahead - they just happen! The other night, we went for an impromptu walk around the neighborhood just because. Then, we came home and shared an ice cream cone. A perfect ending to a day that would not have been as romantic had we planned it ahead of time. This goal is officially checked off!

#10 - Learn to say no more often. Nursing school has really helped me with this one! I'm finding myself saying 'no' to picking up shifts at work that won't benefit me {unless the person asking has done me a favor, in which case I'm all about paying them back!} and I'm learning how not to feel guilty about it. I need to do what's right for me and with so little time left at work, I really have no choice but to say no sometimes!

#18 - Go to the beach. We hung out at The Dunes when we were in Indiana and had a great time! It always amazes me how much Lake Michigan seems like the ocean at The Dunes... but it's no where near as nice on the Western shore here in Wisconsin!

How are your goals coming along?!

check this out!


  1. You are doing so awesome with your goals! :)

  2. Thank you! I'm really trying to accomplish as many as I can before nursing school starts!

  3. I think it's great that you and your husband just naturally make time for each other :) It's so important. This weekend IC and I spent so much time reading aloud to each other. It was really really really nice.


I love all of your comments :) I read every single one! Leave me some lovin'!


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